[−][src]Module svg::node::element::tag
The tags.
Tag | A tag. |
Type | A type of a tag. |
Animate | animate |
AnimateColor | animateColor |
AnimateMotion | animateMotion |
AnimateTransform | animateTransform |
Circle | circle |
ClipPath | clipPath |
Definitions | defs |
Description | desc |
Ellipse | ellipse |
Filter | filter |
Group | g |
Image | image |
Line | line |
LinearGradient | linearGradient |
Link | a |
Marker | marker |
Mask | mask |
MotionPath | mpath |
Path | path |
Pattern | pattern |
Polygon | polygon |
Polyline | polyline |
RadialGradient | radialGradient |
Rectangle | rect |
SVG | svg |
Script | script |
Stop | stop |
Style | style |
Symbol | symbol |
Text | text |
TextPath | textPath |
Title | title |
Use | use |