[][src]Trait plotters::coord::AsRangedCoord

pub trait AsRangedCoord: Sized {
    type CoordDescType: Ranged<ValueType = Self::Value> + From<Self>;
    type Value;

The trait for the type that can be converted into a ranged coordinate axis

Associated Types

type CoordDescType: Ranged<ValueType = Self::Value> + From<Self>

type Value

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<Z: TimeZone> AsRangedCoord for Range<Date<Z>>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedDate<Z>

type Value = Date<Z>

impl<Z: TimeZone> AsRangedCoord for Range<DateTime<Z>>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedDateTime<Z>

type Value = DateTime<Z>

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<Duration>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedDuration

type Value = Duration

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<f32>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordf32

type Value = f32

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<f64>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordf64

type Value = f64

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<i32>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordi32

type Value = i32

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<u32>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordu32

type Value = u32

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<i64>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordi64

type Value = i64

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<u64>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordu64

type Value = u64

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<i128>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordi128

type Value = i128

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<u128>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordu128

type Value = u128

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<isize>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordisize

type Value = isize

impl AsRangedCoord for Range<usize>[src]

type CoordDescType = RangedCoordusize

type Value = usize


impl<T> AsRangedCoord for GroupBy<T> where
    T::ValueType: PrimInt + ToPrimitive + FromPrimitive + Mul,
    T: Ranged

type Value = T::ValueType

type CoordDescType = Self

impl<T> AsRangedCoord for T where
    T: Ranged,
    Range<T::ValueType>: Into<T>, 

type CoordDescType = T

type Value = T::ValueType

impl<T: PartialEq> AsRangedCoord for Category<T>[src]

type CoordDescType = Self

type Value = Category<T>

impl<V: LogScalable> AsRangedCoord for LogRange<V>[src]

type CoordDescType = LogCoord<V>

type Value = V