[][src]Trait plotters::element::PointCollection

pub trait PointCollection<'a, Coord> {
    type Borrow: Borrow<Coord>;
    type IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Borrow>;
    fn point_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;

A type which is logically a collection of points, under any given coordinate system

Associated Types

type Borrow: Borrow<Coord>[]

The item in point iterator

type IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Borrow>[]

The point iterator

Required methods

fn point_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter[]

framework to do the coordinate mapping


impl<'a, 'b, Coord> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a BitMapElement<'b, Coord>[src][]

impl<'a, 'b: 'a, DB: DrawingBackend, Coord: Clone> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a DynElement<'b, DB, Coord>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a PathElement<Coord>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a Pixel<Coord>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a Polygon<Coord>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a Rectangle<Coord>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord, DB: DrawingBackend> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a EmptyElement<Coord, DB>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord, Size: SizeDesc> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a Circle<Coord, Size>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord: 'a, Size: SizeDesc> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a Cross<Coord, Size>[src][]

impl<'a, Coord: 'a, Size: SizeDesc> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a TriangleMarker<Coord, Size>[src][]

impl<'a, K: 'a + Clone, O: BoxplotOrient<K, f32>> PointCollection<'a, (<O as BoxplotOrient<K, f32>>::XType, <O as BoxplotOrient<K, f32>>::YType)> for &'a Boxplot<K, O>[src][]

type Borrow = (O::XType, O::YType)

type IntoIter = Vec<Self::Borrow>

impl<'a, K: 'a + Clone, V: 'a + Clone, O: ErrorBarOrient<K, V>> PointCollection<'a, (<O as ErrorBarOrient<K, V>>::XType, <O as ErrorBarOrient<K, V>>::YType)> for &'a ErrorBar<K, V, O>[src][]

type Borrow = (O::XType, O::YType)

type IntoIter = Vec<Self::Borrow>

impl<'a, X: 'a, Y: PartialOrd + 'a> PointCollection<'a, (X, Y)> for &'a CandleStick<X, Y>[src][]

impl<'b, 'a, Coord: 'a, T: Borrow<str> + 'a> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a MultiLineText<'b, Coord, T>[src][]

impl<'b, 'a, Coord: 'a, T: Borrow<str> + 'a> PointCollection<'a, Coord> for &'a Text<'b, Coord, T>[src][]

impl<'b, Coord, DB: DrawingBackend, A, B> PointCollection<'b, Coord> for &'b ComposedElement<Coord, DB, A, B> where
    A: Drawable<DB>,
    B: Drawable<DB>, 